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Political Limbo 03/17/2009

Posted by Nick in Uncategorized.
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How low can we go? The topic of Dick Cheyney’s recent comments to CNN came up at lunch today. I can’t defend Cheyney too much when he accuses another administration of expanding the power of executive branch, but I would like to question the response of the Obama Administration. It has been quite some time since I’ve heard the buzz words, hope and change, from the administration. Now, instead of brushing off idle criticism from talking heads and staying positive, we have Press Secretary Robert Gibbs exchanging jabs with Cheyney and Limbaugh and taking up valuable press time. For a campaign that was so practiced at staying “on message” in the face of criticism and promising bi-partisanship, it seems like the old addage is true – the more things “change”, the more they stay the same.

In times of economic turmoil, more AIG bailout money bonuses, escalating war in Afghanistan and cuts in medical funding for Veterans, couldn’t the press secretary address more urgent matters than playing into a failed, old man’s attempt to stay in the media spotlight? Our former president suffered under innumerable, daily attacks from every politician (including Obama) and journalist on the left and rarely allowed his press secretary to stoop to the sarcastic tone shown by Gibbs today. The current President and his staff do have the right to defend themselves, but they should at least do so by citing facts and not invoking Rush Limbaugh and the “Republican cabal.” I expect this kind of language from Chris Matthews but not from someone representing the highest office in the land.

Perhaps the reason Cheyney still produces such a visceral response from Gibbs and the Obama administration is that there is a kernel of truth in the ex-Sith Lord’s criticism. Despite the change in Gitmo’s status, the unnecessary expansion of executive power that occurred under Bush has continued under Obama, specifically in areas of secrecy and eavesdropping. He also appears to be expanding government power again in the arena of health care. Just because the man at the head of the Executive branch has changed, we should not expect a change in the level of media criticism directed towards it. So let’s leave the bodies of the Bush administration sleep where they lie and leave the Limbaugh attacks to MSNBC. And if the Obama Administration really wants to differentiate themselves from Bush and Cheyney, the next time a member of the media actually breaks rank and does their job by asking a tough question they should act professionally and provide a substantive response.


1. shiketyshaq - 03/19/2009

You still can not get over that the past administration abused the constitution like no other time in our history. You want to deemphasize their impact and abuses by trying to pin their reckless actions and consequences on Obama’s team. He will be cleaning after Cheney and Bush for years: the financial mess from lack of oversight and lobby friends; the antagonsitic framwork of foreign policies and alienating any culture different than ours; the insecure ideas that we need to be the best example of politics by using force to insure a democratic mindset; and the list goes on and on from environment to public school testing. There is not one area that the Bush years have not fundamentally changed by letting the federal government and especially the presidential and vice presidential pulpits attempt to control. Now Cheney will not go but stays smug. Always smug as our soldiers died, our finanacial institutions crummbled by risky loans backed by the ever increasing government hand and our rights and privacy were forever changed. Let Cheney ride off and Obama take care of it. You think they would be at least good at that.

nikittynak - 03/19/2009

Who would at least be good at what? Obama good at competent leadership!? I’ve yet to see it. Your response puts you in the category of all the other dems who have to frantically search for some new object for their overly emotive political hatred, or just stay in the played-out mindset of Bush derangement syndrome. My point in the last post, “Political Limbo”, was to show that even though Bush is gone, abuses of power remain, yet somehow the media’s lack of criticism for Obama and the people’s blind approval does not change. Just try to be objective and if you’re going to defend Obama, do it with some substance, not old critiques of a fallen man.

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